Jurassic Funatic is a series of photos documenting two indoraptors' lives. (Psssh they aern't actually alive, just pretend) These very lively photos were taken for the entertainment of Jurassic fans on Instagram. They are loads of fun to make, as I like to capture the personalities I want to portray within certain characters! Jurassic Funatic is quite a different take on the typical toy photography, where its focus is more on creating believable characters, rather than getting a movie accurate shot.
Vince, Jet, and all the rest have gained a following of 1.5k so far! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

This photo is still one of my favorites! Just look at all that energy?!

Terri and Rexy
Terri and Rexy
Zhen Zhen
Zhen Zhen
If you've followed Jurassic Funko Funatic from the start, this indoraptor should be a familiar face. This is Vincent, the older of the two indoraptor brothers featured on Jurassic Funatic. He's an extroverted, somewhat annoying, quirky, loud dino! He's a bit of a diva as well.
Only around Jurassic June, do other dinosaurs show up more frequently in photos. For the most part, Vincent and Jet are the stars of the show!
Younger by only four months, is Jet! He's Vincent's much more introverted and chill brother. He may not be featured as much as Vincent, but he for sure is the cutest of the two! 
Vincent and Jet Vincent and Jet Vincent and Jet
Some of the very first Photos
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