Fusion 360
Part Models

Spline and Revolve Bottle

Loft Bottle

Tapered Cut, Pattern, Shell


Rectangular Pattern


CREO Parametric 9.0

Creating artistic models in parametric program


Flashlight Exploded View


Pneumatic Cylinder Assembly

Head Mech Assembly

Prototype Mech Design

Prototype Mech Design (Front)

Prototype Mech Design (Full Body)

Prototype Mech Design (Back side)

Torso Mech Reverse-engineering Study
Part Models

Swept Blend

Helical Swept Blend

Flanged Sweep



Swept Blend



Angled Datum-plane for hole

Y-Clevis Chamfer

External Clevis

Clevis Pin

Shaft Clevis

1 X 1 L-Bracket

Eyelid Cylinder Mount

Mouth Lever



Shaft Collar

Lever Arm


Cylinder Back-Mount (Bearing Housing)

Physical Parts
3D-printed prototypes or final parts based on CAD model designs

1st Prototype Turn Assembly

1st Prototype Hinge Assembly

1st Prototypes
WIP Milled K-hinge
WIP Milled K-hinge
Final Milled K-hinge
Final Milled K-hinge
Problem-Solving Thought Process
Lots of problem solving and trouble shooting goes into designing parts. Most parts go through many adaptations as I learn what works and what doesn't, as well as what makes a design the most effective in its purpose while maintaining visual aesthetics.
3D modeling allows me to visualize ideas without having to waste time and material. I am able to simulate how a mechanism will function on the computer. Through simulation, I constrain parts so that they can only move in ways that would be possible with real-life physics. Doing this has allowed me to make corrections to a part that does not work, far before ever testing it in real life.

1st Design- Does not work

1st Proposed Solution

Works, but ineffectively and unappealing looking

3rd and final iteration which works well, and takes up less space

This design maximizes capability of intended function

1st Rotational Design- Works, but unappealing

Aesthetically Unappealing

Would like to simplify to take up less space in z-axis

1st Proposed Solution

Modified to eliminate upper arm twist