All High School Artwork
Prisma Colored Pencil
"No one draws noses, so here you go"
"No one draws noses, so here you go"
"Studs and Tunnels"
"Studs and Tunnels"
"Marbles and Vases"
"Marbles and Vases"

“你的眼睛太大” (Your Eyes Are Too Big)

A piece created for a high school social justice campaign, inspired by the many times I was made fun of for my Asian features growing up. This piece re-imagines the very scenario I was consistently faced with, but with roles reversed.
Acrylic Painting
Silicone Pour Painting
Silicone Pour Painting
Silicone Pour Painting
Silicone Pour Painting
Abstract Spatter
Abstract Spatter
Mixed Media

"A Different Time" - A project I was assigned in high school

Watercolor Pencil Assignment

Etching Assignment

Chalk Pastel
Two Girls Kissing
Two Girls Kissing
Pop Art
Pop Art


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